Due to the fluctuating state of delegated autorities from the CAA to the BMFA and LMA the JMA committee have introduced the following minor changes with immediate effect and for remaining JMA Events during 2024.
Maidens, test flights and re-test flights of models under 25kg MTOM should be declared to event organisers/flightline marshalls before the flight takes place so they can be observed and if required, a solo flight performed.
Maidens, test flights, re-test flights and witness observed flights of models over 25kg MTOM should be declared to the JMA Event organisers in advance of the event and be accompanied by the LMA Sanctioned inspectors details, the name of the intended pilot for the test flights and a statement from the inspector that he is happy for the test flights to take place at this event, with this named pilot and on the intended test site. Note, not all sites in use by the JMA are LMA Registered test sites.
Thanks for your understanding. Impact on our normal activities should be minimal.